por Cadm | fev 1, 2024 | Blog, Empreendedor, Tiktok
Em um mundo onde mais da metade do tráfego online é originado de dispositivos móveis, uma estratégia mobile-first não é apenas vantajosa, mas essencial. Ao adotar a abordagem Mobile First, os designers priorizam as limitações de espaço e as funcionalidades específicas...
por Cadm | fev 1, 2024 | Blog, Empreendedor, Marketing, Tiktok
No cenário atual, onde o digital predomina, o papel das redes sociais são indispensáveis para o branding e o sucesso das marcas. Empresas empenhadas em melhorar a interação com seus clientes através destas plataformas se deparam com uma ampla gama de benefícios e...
por Alex | abr 6, 2022 | En, Fix Windows 10 & 11, Technology News
Do you find that your computer is restarting in a random manner? It could occur on Windows 8.1 10 and Windows 11 due to different causes. If you are working at your PC, you notice that it turns off. It could be a signal to shut down or Windows restarting itself. In...
por Alex | mar 28, 2022 | En, Tiktok
To get rid of someone who has been removed from your TikTok profile, determine what the username of that user is. Go to their profile, and click the icon with three dots, to open the images and videos. Next you need to select “Block Accounts,” and then...
por Alex | nov 16, 2021 | Blog, Diversos, En
Many individuals who don’t have the facility to own personal cars are mostly the ones using the public transportations. But why do people use public transportations while they are traveling? Using public transportation lessens the number of private vehicles on the...
por Alex | nov 16, 2021 | Empreendedor, Entrepreneur, Small Business
With good technical support, you can purchase scalable, secure website hosting The business offering the services necessary for a website to be viewed on the internet is known as a website host (or sometimes called a website hosting provider). When users visit your...
por Alex | nov 16, 2021 | Blog, En, Small Business
This checklist is for any new business owner to help them get started, although the equipment they need will vary according to the type of business they run. Using the internet and WiFi at your business location It doesn’t matter how big or where your business...